Propelled boom lift vehicle maintenance in rainy season
In most areas of Europe and South America, the use of propelled boom lift vehicle has to put the weather condition into consideration, it is either hot or humid during the rainy season, some of the aerial boom lift part are not made water-proof, if it become wet and being exposed to the air for a long time, the metal may start rusting. Here are some tips for you to pay special attention to its maintenance during the rainy season.
- Remember to do cleaning work timely. Propelled boom lift during the rainy season are particularly vulnerable to rain and mud splashing, once contaminated parts will be very susceptible to corrosion, timely cleaning would help a lot in this case.
- Protect the paint of propelled boom lift vehicles. The best way is marked with a layer of wax to the car, because the acidity of rainwater during the rainy season makes it easy for Aerial corrode paint, paint on a layer of wax would protect it against corrosion.
- Make a plan for the maintenance of the chassis. The chassis is relatively close to the ground part of the section and is relatively susceptible to corrosion, during the rainy season the check maintenance of Aerial chassis should be more frequent, do the best anti-rust treatment.
- Pay attention to brake system of water problem. Boom lift for automated systems in the brake fluid has strong water absorption characteristic, so in order to maintain good braking performance it needs to be taken good care of.
Product list
- Self-propelled scissor lifts
- Rough terrain scissor lifts
- Self-propelled boom lifts
- Truck scissor lifts



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