Rough terrain scissor lift design concept-Tianjin Anson
In the working process of rough terrain scissor lift platform, the biggest thrust of the piston is too large and the pressure of hydraulic system is too high. To overcome these shortcomings, based on establishing hydraulic scissors elevating platform mechanical model, the parameters affecting the biggest thrust of the lift cylinder were optimized taking the biggest thrust of the piston as object. The optimization results show that the biggest thrust of the piston decreases is 37%. It verifies the validity of the optimization and provides reference for the rough terrain scissor lift design.
The mechanical properties could affect the working performance of rough terrain scissor lift directly, 2 traditional calculating and analyzing methods are manual calculation and finite element analysis. For manual calculation, its low efficiency and precision; for finite element analysis, it’s fit for the later analysis’s check, not good for early part of design analysis. With the professional software, analyze all important parameters that could affect the mechanical properties of the scissor lift, optimize the position factor that influences the largest push power could effectively decrease the work load of the hydraulic system.
This is a rough terrain scissor lift design improvement concept provided by Tianjin Anson, and if you need further info or interested in lifting platform, feel free to contact us now by sending an email or making a call.
Product list
- Self-propelled scissor lifts
- Rough terrain scissor lifts
- Self-propelled boom lifts
- Truck scissor lifts



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